future of TV delivered today
future of TV delivered today
future of TV delivered today
future of TV delivered today
Our mission is to make your TV business profitable by significantly reducing the cost of deployment and operation of the most advanced and feature rich TV Service Platform and Apps for all devices. By providing all elements of the TV platform we reduce the cost of the TV Platform and Apps by an order of magnitude making your TV business profitable.
Message to CEOs and CFOs: as CEO and CFO of a TV Service Provider you know that your biggest costs are the cost of your content contract and the connection CAPEX. mediaClass mission is to significantly reduce and eliminate the connection CAPEX enabling for your TV Service to be profitable.
We enable your product teams to unleash their creativity without the connection CAPEX cost impact!
Message to CTOs and Technology Leaders: as a Technology leader your biggest concern when selecting a new TV Platform is the risks of spending CAPEX on the new TV platform and whether it will deliver a quality service. mediaClass leadership, as the original pioneers of Interactive TV for the service providers, understand and completely remove these risks for you. mediaClass is only paid on delivery and when you are satisfied with the quality of the new TV service. We also provide you with products that will never be end of life! We enable you to deliver the new features that your product teams demand from you very cost effectively and quickly because we control all elements of the TV Platform.
We remove risks and costs so that you can take your TV business to the next level
Today in Argentina mediaClass Hosts 100+ ISP Tenants on a single highly resilient back-end Platform!
Today mediaClass High Resilience TV Platform delivers TV services for Digicel in 22+ countries with a Centralised highly resilient mediaClass Platform in one country and with a Live Back-up Platform in another country. Unprecedented Scalability and Resilience!
NEW: mediaClass Ad Insertion for Broadcast and Linear IPTV and OTT TV is the first in the world product that supports Ad Insertion for all Linear TV technologies that enables AI Targeted and Addressable Ad Insertion for Linear TV on a per subscriber basis! Ad Insertion like never before.
Linear TV Ad insertion together with mediaClass on demand Ad insertion for AVOD , Banner Ads and rolling ads delivers the most comprehensive integrated ad platform for service providers and ISPs in the industry today.
All elements of the TV Platform is provided by mediaClass Product Suite designed from the ground up for carrier class operation with hyper scalability and reliability
Deliveing all the TV services such as Linear TV for IPTV and OTT, VOD, AVOD, TVOD, Catch-up and NDVR as w
All elements of the TV Platform is provided by mediaClass Product Suite designed from the ground up for carrier class operation with hyper scalability and reliability
Deliveing all the TV services such as Linear TV for IPTV and OTT, VOD, AVOD, TVOD, Catch-up and NDVR as well as targetedpt advertising on linear TV over OTT and IPTV among huge number of other feature!
Pre-integrated products mean much faster time to market and a complete peace of mind.
All Platform Components from Transcoders, Packagers, OTT/IPTV Platform and Multi-DRM to CDN and micro CDN for mobile operators
mediaClass provides TV Apps that are deployed across iOS and Android mobile devices, Android TV Certified and OASP STBs, as well as IP, DVB-T2, DVB-C, DVB-S2 Linux STBs, Apple TV, Smart TVs and PC web portal
All Platform Components from Transcoders, Packagers, OTT/IPTV Platform and Multi-DRM to CDN and micro CDN for mobile operators
mediaClass provides TV Apps that are deployed across iOS and Android mobile devices, Android TV Certified and OASP STBs, as well as IP, DVB-T2, DVB-C, DVB-S2 Linux STBs, Apple TV, Smart TVs and PC web portal
mediaClass provides advanced Monitoring as well comprehensive Analytics Solutions as part of an end to end comprehensive solution
mediaClass offers a state of the art Service Quality of Experience Monitoring Platform
This Service Monitoring Platform enables the Technical Operation teams to have a very clear view of the status of the service and issues that could cause customer impact
The solution also provides recommendations on the causes of any issues found and app
mediaClass offers a state of the art Service Quality of Experience Monitoring Platform
This Service Monitoring Platform enables the Technical Operation teams to have a very clear view of the status of the service and issues that could cause customer impact
The solution also provides recommendations on the causes of any issues found and approach to fix them
The service level monitoring uniquely monitors state of the service at the end user App level and then correlates this with status of all the different elements of the TV Platform
mediaClass can do this degree of deep Service Level Monitoring because mediaClass provides all elements of the end to end IPTV and OTT Platforms
mediaclass provides Ad Insertion for Linear TV and OTT out of the box!
mediaClass delivers advanced targeted advertising addressable to each individual viewer and device
Uniquely mediaClass can target each individual viewer both on Linear TV (OTT and IPTV) and for On Demand services
The targeting is managed by mediaClass advanced AI solution for Targeted Advertising
mediaClass has developed an advanced advertising Campaign Management product suite
The Campaign Management products enables service providers to manage the advertisers on their platform easily and efficiently
For the first time an Advertising Campaign Management Capability is fully integrated with the IPTV+OTT Platfom providing powerful to
mediaClass has developed an advanced advertising Campaign Management product suite
The Campaign Management products enables service providers to manage the advertisers on their platform easily and efficiently
For the first time an Advertising Campaign Management Capability is fully integrated with the IPTV+OTT Platfom providing powerful tools for service providers to sell, deliver and monitise their TV Services.
mediaClass product suite also includes an advanced Analytics solution that enables service providers to make informed decisions based on detailed reporting and analysis of subscriber interactions. mediaClass Advanced Analytics product is designed groudup with direct and detailed input from our service provider customers. As such it meets
mediaClass product suite also includes an advanced Analytics solution that enables service providers to make informed decisions based on detailed reporting and analysis of subscriber interactions. mediaClass Advanced Analytics product is designed groudup with direct and detailed input from our service provider customers. As such it meets the exact requirements of service providers for providing insights on the TV, subscribers and content usage and performance, for better management of the TV service.
mediaClass is deployed in more than 25 Countries from Asia Pacific to Europe, LATAM and Caribbean, Supporting more than 11 Languages including English, Ukrainian, Russian, French, German, Spanish, Hungarian and Bulgarian among many others. mediaClass today is used by 100+ ISPs globally supporting millions of TV subscribers.
mediaClass together with its sister organisation Swiftclass delivers the most advanced ultra High Performance STB software in the world for all types of STBs including Hybrid and IP Linux STBs for DVB-C, DVB-S2, DVB-T2 and Hybrid DVB Android STBs (
mediaClass Content and Operational Management system enables operators to define and create their user interface for all their devices at will and launch it in real time without delay!
This advance feature enables each type of device and each tenant to have an entirely different user interface which can be customised by product teams quick
mediaClass Content and Operational Management system enables operators to define and create their user interface for all their devices at will and launch it in real time without delay!
This advance feature enables each type of device and each tenant to have an entirely different user interface which can be customised by product teams quickly and immediately!
You can launch your campaigns at any time and as soon as you are ready. No more reliance on developers to change every one of your Apps and User Interfaces.
Copyright © 2017-2025 mediaClass - All Rights Reserved. mediaClass is a division of Azdio